As part of the Margerison Communication and Problem Solving Model, you will receive support modules on relevant areas of application for your work projects. Featuring some very pertinent and topical issues, these support resources are a means of gaining further insights into skillsets that form part of your existing study materials. These are available from your provider who will grant access to these during the period of your subscription.
Insights and Applications
In the following pages, you are introduced to ways and means of applying the CPS Model to your work projects. In all aspects of work, people have different strengths and abilities. People can learn from each other, how to develop their own competencies. There are some key topics listed on the next page, which are used widely by just about everybody in their work and personal lives. Each month, we will explore how the application of the Margerison CPS Model in these areas, can be used as a framework to help you achieve your goals. People who succeeded invariably did so by being better than average at:-
Finding relevant information
Deciding on a strategic direction that would bring results
Ensuring they organize their own time and develop teamwork to succeed
Communicating effectively to ensure they were able to negotiate what was needed in order to succeed
Most people look to pursue career opportunities that will make them rich and happy. Some choose happiness over riches. Some prefer to forgo happiness in order to become rich. What is your preference?
In Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, he wrote:
There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
So, which of the tides of career opportunities have you taken and which ones have you missed? It is useful to reflect on these things as part of developing your career and indeed, as part of moving forward in life in general.
No doubt we all have some regrets. But what about the career opportunities you have taken? How many of them led to happiness or sadness? How many made you richer or poorer?
In each support module, we will reflect on how to improve performance by developing your proactive problem-solving skills, and learning from amazing achievers. They converted their ideas into successful action.